Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The secret to faster learning of foreign languages - "Before Meat Milk" milk before meat "in learning foreign languages This article will tell you the secret to learning a language faster. It is not so much a secret as it is ignored the truth. However, if handled properly, this secret can convert the tedious and sometimes difficult task of learning a foreign language in an exciting, fun and fulfilling effort / adventure. In the quest for mastery of any language, you must have an understanding of what is meant by the phrase, "milk before meat". You can not expect to learn something difficult or complicated, or wait to eat meat and meat fully grown canine teeth piercing before they are able to ingest milk from a tender mother's breast. It is therefore prudent for any language learner to start at the beginning, and spend some time there ... and hang out ... even should try singing songs about the alphabet. Alphabets that small parts of a language that, when connected to form words, and make meaningful communication. The languages are dynamic, living organisms. Learning the alphabet or syllabary for the language they are learning now will make their progress and improvement in that language easier after doing so. Where lies the key to a mastery of the language? If a script is available for the language ... do not wait ... To start studying! The best way for a beginning student of Japanese language or second language from student to become more familiar with this language is through the study, and saying in the mouth, the small portion of the tongue, saying repeatedly over the length and Over the phonemes that make up the particular sounds are in that language. The practice, the alphabet firmly. That we all do, of course, in our mother tongue without even thinking about it. A careful study of the smallest and simplest parts of a language will be the milk before the meat. Once you know how to drink milk, then and only then, you're ready to move on to more complicated issues such as eating meat, courteous and grammar, and so on. As a child, who does not remember singing the alphabet song, read a book for the first time, searching for a word in the dictionary for the first time, or just catching yourself singing the alphabet song when others sing, or finally made Considering that alphabetical order is how the dictionary puts words in their proper place in line. The language is something that is learned, not talking just born. Learning the alphabet in another language is the first step toward understanding the target language. Please take a moment to reflect on the first times that sang 'The Alphabet Song ", or recited his A, B, C's. Now think about how she came to know that 5 X 5 = is 25. I know that if you win a solid understanding of the Japanese Syllabary, the 46 syllables that make up all the sounds of the Japanese learning Japanese then it will be like a piece of cake for you. It is easy to learn Japanese. That's it! The trick to learn Japanese or any foreign language learning begins with symbols that represent the sounds and meaning of the words that make up a language. Learn how to write those sounds are usually some type of alphabet or syllabary. In the case of the Japanese language, alphabet, is not an alphabet, as it is not just the lyrics, is composed of syllables. There are 46 syllables in Japanese, and although it is more than the number of letters in the English language (English letters in the alphabet = 26) who really is not that many once you see how it is configured. The Japanese syllabary consists of 46 syllables and represents all the sounds necessary for the formation of any Japanese word. It's like the English alphabet, but is called the GOJUON, or chart of the 50 sounds. The clustered GOJUON is in a way that facilitates learning Japanese, especially adjectives. adjectives to continue Terminations of the first 5 syllables or Japanese vowels, a, i, u, e, I realize that o. any aspiring student of Japanese language study for the 46 syllables of the Japanese alphabet or GOJUON seriously. At the time they are 12 years of age, we tend to forget how we have come to be able to speak and use the English language and are very familiar with the alphabet that we have forgotten that it was because of his recitation that we know what we know. Reading and writing are two sides of the same coin which are totally influenced by contributing their alphabet of the language that is spoken and heard in juvenile measure. We take for granted the knowledge of the alphabet to make it more difficult for us to learn other languages. To be a good student second language that should essentially be like children. For the purposes of learning to read, write , Speak and listen in English, it is necessary to the basic study of the language first, and that was the alphabet. A good way to get in the middle, or the heart of a language is by studying their alphabet. We can do that in a similar, or even the same way you would learn the tables of his time. How much you to memorize the tables of your time? Offer a cookie and you say to yourself, 'If I wear my Japanese study ( or any language study) by learning the syllables that make up their words then I will be ahead of the learning into play later when it really is complicated. The old adage 'milk before meat ...', "applies to the acquisition of language as well. A house built on a solid foundation and hard work best. In other words, people eager for the ability to speak in Japanese or any other language and communicate effectively in that language study now simple and build their tower of the language of power. Like practicing the piano, we do not want to fool ourselves learning Japanese and keep it for more than just skimming the milk! We have to return milk.Your parents, teachers, mentors or May we have pledged $ 5 if you memorize the times tables up to 12, but it can also do it for free ... on their own ... and can reward you with a pleasant surprise when they meet all the objectives of their language. consistently insistent on diligent study Japanese and have a good foundation that can help you become a better conversationalist in the language you choose. Remember that "the milk before the meat ..." The next time you start to get bored of things in class that you feel is too easy for you. The ability to communicate with others in a foreign language can open the whole truck loads of interesting lingual between efforts / adventures that can definitely be a lot of fun while learning process occurs. catch the fever ... Tell everyone to learn Japanese at meetings of the PTA Japanese is not a difficult language to learn. In my opinion, it is much easier to learn English.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Vienna Window


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